About Us
About Us
At All Boxes, we aim to deliver fast, sustainable and sweet food boxes to consumers as a snack. We use a direct to consumer approach which cuts out the middleman and lets both us and the consumers to get on with business without any interference from outside sources. At All Boxes, our pūtake (the reason for being) is to provide consumers sweet goods that give them a kick and also gives them an opportunity to try out products that are both environmentally sustainable, vegan-friendly, vegetarian-friendly and keto-friendly. We also believe in the key Māori business concept Kaitiakitanga (guardianship of the environment), this is because many businesses are blind to the impacts their products and production have on the environment. At All Boxes, environmental sustainability is a key part of what we do. Our ‘Hauora box’ uses goods that have low carbon impacts. The box also provides vegan, vegetarian and keto products which have similar tastes to everyday products. This box aims to show consumers that vegan, vegetarian and products can be cheap and provide the same satisfaction as regular products. We hope that the box enhances and improves aspects of the consumers Hauora (Health). For instance if someone has had a rough week at work and their friend buys them a Hauora Box to try and improve their mood. We hope that acts of kindness like this improves their Taha Hinengaro (Mental Well-Being) through kindness and sweet treats.
Get to know our team below!
Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson is the C.E.O of All Boxes. His role as C.E.O means that he is the head director and leader of the group overseeing that all tasks are completed at a high level and on time. Sam is ultimately responsible for the entire business and implementing the business long term and short term goals.
Hemish Patel
Financial Director
Hemish Patel is the head of Finance for All Boxes. Hemish is in charge of managing any financial matters within All Boxes. Some of his responsibilities include creating profit forecasts, break even analyses, and assisting with decisions based around capital. As well as this he is responsible for managing any incoming and outgoing payments.
Wayne Delos Reyes
Communications Director
Wayne Delos Reyes is the head of communications at All Boxes. He is in charge of creating and administering our website and our social media pages while also managing both internal and external communications within All Boxes.
Gayle Wootton
Marketing Director
Gayle Wootton is our head of Marketing for All Boxes. Gayle is responsible for managing the marketing of our All Boxes. Some of Gayles responsibilities include creating and managing social media, posters, email marketing and any other forms of marketing that will be beneficial to All Boxes. She is also responsible for conducting market research to assist with making any major business decisions
Crystal Pearson
Crystal Pearson is the head of Operations for All Boxes. She is responsible towards organising suppliers and the supplies necessary, managing policies, and planning production and any other events necessary such as potential market days.